Sunday, 6 December 2009

Captin of the Pinta's betray

Keith A., Pickering. "The First Voyage of Columbus". Person. 2006

Pinta: One of the three ships that Columbus had during his first voyage.

Columbus arrived at his Bahamas island on October 12, then headed Cuba on October 28. The sail from Bahamas island to Cuba took longer than Columbus had planned because of his lost ship. While sailing north of Cuba on November 22, Mart Alonso Pinz, captain of the Pinta, left the other two ships without telling Columbus, and sailed on his own to search for an island called "Babeque," where he had been told by his native guides that there was tons of gold. Columbus later tracked Pinta to Babeque, but he couldn't find the ship in there. Rest of comrades were in panic, but Columbus made a choice. After seeking for the ship, Columbus decided to just continued with the Santa Maria and Ni eastward. They arrived at Hispaniola on December 5.

This event was very significant because it shows how Columbus had lost one ship already in the beginning of his journey, and it kinds of fortell on how harsh Columbus' voyage was going to be.

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